Poi ti chiedi come uno come Kilian Jornet sia diventato un gigacampione di skyru…

Poi ti chiedi come uno come Kilian Jornet sia diventato un gigacampione di skyrunning e skialp.... COon una mamma del genere!!!! Genitori, a volte una sega mentale in meno.....https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p100x100/10923294_10152611236410178_8277313222279138493_n.jpg?oh=2b0f28f54ea2d825f0e444b8261ec62b&oe=557ED226&__gda__=1435748313_8170782941da8112da9b756e225d39bfKilian Jornetback on 1990, with 3 years old discovering Lapland on cycling and walking, ***** confort travel for me and my sister. Thanks to my parents for taking us there and carry us...

#Ridemtb !

#Ridemtb !Island of Thorns - Crossing Corsica by Mountain BikeCorsica. The mountain range in the sea. One of the few remaining wilderness in Central Europe. Three friends set out to cross the island on their mountain...